Peer Reviewed Publications
In Prep (Details subject to change, * indicates equal contributions among authors)
a. KM Hernandez*, AJ Clemento*, JE Linossier*, DE Crocker, DP Costa, C Reichmuth, JC Garza. Microhaplotype methods enable relationship inference in a bottlenecked mammalian species. In preparation for Animal Conservation
b. KM Hernandez, DS Baetscher, JT Harvey, JC Garza. Metagenomic analysis of sea lion diet reveals a broad prey base and limited fisheries overlap. In preparation for Molecular Ecology
c. KM Hernandez, L Sette, RJ Gast, AL Bogomolni, FW Wenzel, MJ Polito. Multiple dietary techniques reveal little use of commercial fishery species by gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) in US waters. In preparation for Ecological Applications
Published (*indicates equal contributions among authors)
RS Beltran*, KM Hernandez*, R Condit, PW Robinson, DE Crocker, C Goetsch, AM Kilpatrick, DP Costa (2023) Physiological tipping points in the relationship between foraging success and lifetime fitness in a long-lived mammal. Ecology Letters, 26(5), 706-716.
KM Hernandez, WB Puryear, JA Runstadler, MJ Polito (2021) Little interannual variability in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) trophic niches during pregnancy despite variable environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 667, 207-217.
KM Hernandez, AL Bogomolni, JH Moxley, GT Waring, RA DiGiovanni, MO Hammill, DW Johnston, L Sette, MJ Polito (2019) Seasonal variability and individual consistency in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) isotopic niches. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97, 1071-1077.
JE Lerner, K Ono, KM Hernandez, JA Runstadler, WB Puryear, MJ Polito (2018) Evaluating the use of stable isotope analysis to infer the feeding ecology of a growing US gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) population. PLoS ONE, 13(2), e0192241.
JV Caretta, K Danil, SJ Chivers, DW Weller, DS Janiger, M Berman-Kowalewski, KM Hernandez, JT Harvey, RC Dunkin, DR Casper, S Stoudt, M Flannery, K Wilkinson, J Huggins, DM Lambourn (2016) Recovery rates of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) carcasses estimated from stranding and survival rate data. Marine Mammal Science, 32(1), 349-362.
KM Hernandez, D Risch, DM Cholewiak, MJ Dean, LT Hatch, WS Hoffman, D Zemeckis, SM Van Parijs (2013) Acoustic monitoring of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in Massachusetts Bay: Implications for management and conservation. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70(3), 628-635.
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